In the serene coastal town of Sinop, located in the northern part of Turkey, an innovative and environmentally impactful artwork has emerged from the depths of the sea and the sands of the beaches. As part of the "Seal Project," a group of artists and scuba divers combined forces not only to clean the beaches and underwater areas but also to create a powerful statement about pollution and its impact on our planet and health. The result of their collective effort is an interactive art installation named "Rifki," a striking sculpture of a human lung made entirely from the trash they collected, primarily plastics.
The concept behind "Rifki" is both profound and poignant. The sea is often referred to as the lungs of the Earth due to its crucial role in producing oxygen and regulating the climate. By shaping the sculpture as a lung, the artists aim to draw a parallel between the pollution of our oceans and the detrimental effects it has on both the environment and human health. Just as our lungs filter the air we breathe, the sea filters impurities and sustains life. However, pollution disrupts this balance, harming marine life and, ultimately, our well-being.
What makes "Rifki" particularly engaging is its interactive element. Visitors can insert small pieces of trash and microplastics into a designated pipe on the sculpture, observing how these pollutants travel through the "lungs." The installation cleverly demonstrates how some microplastics remain unfiltered, highlighting their insidious nature despite their size. The sculpture is not merely a lung but a composite of various organs and bodily structures, each crafted from different types of collected trash, such as egg cartons, shoes, and other debris.
This creative upcycling serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive nature of pollution and the urgent need for collective action to address this global crisis.
"Rifki" stands as a testament to the power of art to inspire change and raise awareness about environmental issues. Through this unique blend of creativity and activism, the Seal Project has not only beautified the beaches of Sinop but also sparked a meaningful dialogue about our responsibility to protect the planet. As visitors interact with the sculpture, they are encouraged to reflect on their own impact on the environment and consider steps they can take to reduce pollution.